[l2h] Problems with the localication of the Slovene package and some general remarks

Ales Kosir Ales Kosir <ales.kosir@hermes.si>
Fri, 03 Mar 2000 16:54:38 +0100

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You might be interested to hear about localization of latex2html for
Slovene language. In the latex2html-99.2beta6, I found the following
problems in the support for Slovene language. Most of them are corrected
with the appended file slovene.perl.

1. ISO-8859-2 is the correct default encoding for Slovene language.

2. Some of the translations for tags are missing. Corrected.

3. Characters guillemotleft and guillemotright, represented as  &#187; 
   and &#171; are available in ISO-8859-1, but they are not present in
   ISO-8859-2. They should be rendered as ,, and `` instead.

4. The page "About this document" is in English. Corrected.

5. If table or figure captions contain eight bit characters, respective 
   table or figure numbers are not generated. Not corrected.

General remarks:

6. The declaration of \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} results in the warning:
 No implementation found for the package: fontenc...
   Not corrected. 

7. When the package is installed, the documentation is not compiled 
   due to some minor problems. One of them is the absence of directory 
   .../docs/manual, which is expected to exist. When the directory is 
   missing, the "-dir manual" option will result in error and stop the 

8. The translation of manuals results in the follwing WARNINGS:
No implementation found for style `dvips'
No implementation found for style `l2hman'

redefining command \thefootnote 

redefining command \MF 

redefining command \LaTeXiii 

previous meaning of \LaTeXiii will be lost

Unknown math command: \smiley , image needed.

9. Which tool would you recommend for the creation of localized icons, 
translated into languages supported by latex2html? The icons should all 
look similar to existing ones.

Best regards,

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# $Id: slovene.perl,v 1.2 2000/03/02 20:32:20 kosir Exp $
# slovene.perl for slovene babel, inspired heavily by german.perl
# by Ross Moore <ross@mpce.mq.edu.au>
# Version 1.2 reviewed and extended by Ales Kosir <ales.kosir@hermes.si>

package slovene;

print " [slovene]";

sub main'slovene_translation {
    local($_) = @_;
    local($next_char_rx) = &make_next_char_rx("[aAeEiIoOuU]");
    $next_char_rx = &make_next_char_rx("[sz]");
    $next_char_rx = &make_next_char_rx("[SZ]"); s/$next_char_rx/S$2/go;

sub make_next_char_rx {
    local($chars) = @_;
    local($OP,$CP) = &main'brackets;

sub get_slovene_specials {

%slovene_specials = (
    '\''       => "``",
    "\`"       => ",,",
#    ';SPMlt;'  => "&laquo;",
#    ';SPMgt;'  => "&raquo;",
    '\\'       => "",
    '-'        => "-",
    ';SPMquot;'=> "",
    '='        => "-",
    '|'        => ""

if ($CHARSET =~ /iso_8859_2/) {
    if ($HTML_VERSION > 2.1) {
%slovene_specials = (
      ';SPMlt;', '<SMALL>;SPMlt;;SPMlt;</SMALL>'
    , ';SPMgt;', '<SMALL>&#62;&#62;</SMALL>'
    , %slovene_specials);
    } else {
%slovene_specials = (
      ';SPMlt;', ';SPMlt;;SPMlt;'
    , ';SPMgt;', '&#62;&#62;'
    , %slovene_specials);
} else {
%slovene_specials = (
      ';SPMlt;', '``'
    , ';SPMgt;', ',,'
    , %slovene_specials);

package main;

if (defined &addto_languages) { &addto_languages('slovene') };

sub slovene_titles {
    $toc_title = "Kazalo";
    $lof_title = "Slike";
    $lot_title = "Tabele";
    $idx_title = "Stvarno kazalo";
    $ref_title = "Literatura";
    $bib_title = "Literatura";
    $abs_title = "Povzetek";
    $app_title = "Dodatek";
    $pre_title = "Predgovor";
    $foot_title = "Opombe";
    $thm_title = "Izrek";
    $fig_name = "Slika";
    $tab_name = "Tabela";
    $prf_name = "Dokaz";
    $page_name = "Stran";
  #  Sectioning-level titles
    $part_name = "Del";
    $chapter_name = "Poglavje";
    $section_name = "Razdelek";
    $subsection_name = "Podrazdelek";
    $subsubsection_name = "Podpodrazdelek";
    $paragraph_name = "Odstavek";
  #  Misc. strings
    $child_name = "Podrazdelki";
    $info_title = "O tem spisu...";
    $also_name = "glej tudi";
    $see_name = "glej";
  #  names in navigation panels
    $next_name = "Naprej";
    $up_name = "Navzgor";
    $prev_name = "Nazaj";
##    $group_name = "";
  #  mail fields
    $encl_name = "Priloge";
    $headto_name = "Prejme";
    $cc_name = "Kopije";

    @Month = ('', 'januar', 'februar', 'marec', 'april', 'maj', 'junij',
	'julij', 'avgust', 'september', 'oktober', 'november', 'december');
#    $GENERIC_WORDS = "";

sub slovene_today {
    local($today) = &get_date();
    $today =~ s|(\d+)/0?(\d+)/|$2. $Month[$1] |;

sub slovene_infopage {
    local($_) = @_;
    local($argv) = $argv;
    if (-f "../$argv") { $argv = &make_href ("../$argv", $argv, ); }
    $_ = ($INFO && $INFO =~ /^\d+$/
      ? join('', $close_all
	, "<STRONG>$t_title</STRONG><P>\nTa spis je bil pripravljen s pretvornikom\n"
	, " v različici $TEX2HTMLVERSION.\n"
	, "<P>Copyright &#169; 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996,\n"
	, "<A HREF=\"$AUTHORADDRESS\">Nikos Drakos</A>, \n"
        , "Enota za računalniško podprto učenje, Univerza v Leedsu.\n"
	, "<BR>Copyright &#169; 1997, 1998, 1999,\n"
	, "<A HREF=\"$AUTHORADDRESS2\">Ross Moore</A>, \n"
	, "Oddelek za matematiko, Univerza Macquarie, Sydney.\n"
        , "<P>Uporabljen je bil ukaz: <BR>\n "
	, "<STRONG>latex2html</STRONG> <TT>$argv</TT>\n"
	, (($SHOW_INIT_FILE && ($INIT_FILE ne ''))?
	   "\n<P>z inicializacijo: <TT>$INIT_FILE</TT>\n$init_file_mark\n" :'')
	, "<P>Pretvornik je pognal $address_data[0] dne $address_data[1]."
	, $open_all, $_)
      : join('', $close_all, "$INFO\n", $open_all, $_));

# use'em
$default_language = 'slovene';
$TITLES_LANGUAGE = 'slovene';
$slovene_encoding = 'iso-8859-2';

# $Log: slovene.perl,v $
# Revision 1.2  2000/03/02 20:32:20  kosir
# Version 1.2 reviewed and extended by Ales Kosir <ales.kosir@hermes.si>
# Revision 1.1  1998/08/25 01:59:09  RRM
# 	Babel language support

