[l2h] Adding html-code to the <HEAD> section

uliw@erdw.ethz.ch uliw@erdw.ethz.ch
01 Mar 2000 17:33:07 +0100

Hi there,

I wonder whether it is possible to add abitrary code (e.g. JavaScript),
which is defined inside a latex-document, into the <HEAD> section of
the generated html-doc? I looked through the manual, but without any



	Uli Wortmann           Fax (Switzerland) (1) 632  1080
	Dept. of Geology       Fon                        3694
	ETH-Zuerich    http://www.erdw.ethz.ch/~bonk/bonk.html
	Visit the SPOC-team at http://www.spoc.ethz.ch