[l2h] status of L2H

John A. Turner John A. Turner" <turner@blueskystudios.com
Wed, 28 Jun 2000 13:58:22 -0400 (EDT)

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I sent the attached msg to Ross, Uli, and Marek a while ago and didn't
receive a response, so I thought I'd open up the discussion to everyone.

I definitely don't want to take anything away from the great work of
everyone who has contributed to L2H (esp. Ross, who has always responded to
my bug reports), but is anyone else somewhat concerned about L2H?

I have no intention of trying to wrest control of L2H from anyone or
anything crazy like that, but if I'm willing to help however I can.


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From: "John A. Turner" <turner@blueskystudios.com>
To: ross@ics.mq.edu.au, marek@btfmd1.fs.uni-bayreuth.de, uliw@erdw.ethz.ch
Subject: status of L2H?
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 12:30:57 -0400 (EDT)

sending this directly to you guys, since you're the most active on the list
- Ross esp. has responded to my bug reports many times

please don't take this as criticism, but can someone tell me what the
current status of L2H is?  who is the primary developer?  where is the
primary site?

I know about the manual at Ross' site:


the development site at saftsack:


etc., but when I pretended to be a total novice, I found that much of the
info out there is old and/or confusing

for other projects I'm involved in as a user or beta tester I've advocated
moving to sourceforge (http://www.sourceforge.net/) - gnuplot and numpy are
two that I helped push over there (I also purchased gnuplot.org and donated
it to the project)

if there's interest, I'd like to spur a similar move with L2H - I'm even
willing to purchase and donate latex2html.org since it's still available
(I've come close to doing this in the past)

but I thought I'd check and see what's happening on the "inside" of L2H
development - I assume you guys are all quite busy with other things, but
even if that's the case, a push to centralize development and set up a
primary clearinghouse for L2H info would help, I should think

on the other hand, if you guys have become convinced that L2H is a dead end
and there are better alternatives (uli recently pointed to ppower4, which
looks great), I'd like to know that as well

anyway, let me know what you think

John A. Turner, Senior Research Associate
Blue Sky Studios, One South Rd, Harrison, NY 10528
http://www.blueskystudios.com/      (914) 825-8319
