[l2h] Latin-2 problem (again)

Janusz S. Bien jsbien@mimuw.edu.pl (Janusz S. Bien)
Wed, 28 Jun 2000 07:46:21 +0100

I am quite disappointed by the lack of any reaction to my letter
quoted below. On the other hand, I forgot to mention that the problem
seems to concern only `polski' style, which is the standard way to
typeset Polish texts in Poland.

For the time being I have switched to using Babel with`polish' option
and this seems to work (although T1 font encoding is not recognized
and generates a warning). However, I would like to switch back to
`polski' as soon as possible.

Best regards


-------- Forwarded message --------
Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2000 20:27:29 +0100
From: jsbien@mimuw.edu.pl (Janusz S. Bien)
To: latex2html@tug.org
Cc: Mariusz Pietrzak <mariuszp@polbox.pl>
Subject: Latin-2 problem

With some difficulties I've installed latex2html--99.2beta6 from TeX
Live 5 under Debian Linux. When I tried to use it for Polish, it
behaved rather unpredictably; other Polish users confirm this fact.

Mariusz Pietrzak, a student of mine who used succesfully version
99.2alpha9 for Polish, proposed the following work-around:

   latex2html -html_version 3.2,latin2,unicode plik.tex

which *does not* generate UNICODE, but Latin-2.

However, when I tried to specify URL (as an argument to \htmladdimg),
it appeared that latex2html treats every slash as a prefix for a
Polish letter. Moreover, any sequence of slashes seems to vanish

What do you advice to do about it? How should I in a Polish text
specify an URL (in particular, an URL to a local file)?

Best regards


dr hab. Janusz S. Bien, prof. UW
Prof. Janusz S. Bien, Warsaw Uniwersity
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