[l2h] testing l2h992-beta5 ...

Ross Moore Ross Moore <ross@ics.mq.edu.au>
Sun, 31 Oct 1999 14:57:52 +1100 (EST)

> Hi!
> beta5 works fine with me with on exception. Some pictures are being
> cropped to nearly nothing. This worked in older versions. The pictures
> are in images.ps. 
> Running on linux 2.2 (SuSE 6.2) ...
> I have attached a test case. Run it through latex and dvips and look at
> it and then run it through latex2html and compare. The curves are
> missing ...
> Or is that a problem with my netpbm tools?
Your image is in .pcx format, inserted into the document
via \special{em:graph kurven.pcx}

This \special command is specific to one dvi-driver only
 (em-TeX, I'd expect) and is certainly *not* a standard
TeX or LaTeX command. It cannot work with a Web2C-based
 teTeX distribution, as are most Unix-TeX installations.

When processed by LaTeX2HTML, you file is interpreted
correctly, resulting in the following, within  test/images.tex

\par\put(0,1.5){\special{em:graph kurven.pcx}}

Now if your TeX driver is indeed  em-TeX, or other driver
that understands that \special command, then this should 
work, provided the file  kurven.pcx  can be found.

Within the directory  test/ created by latex2html, create
a symbolic link to the image file in the directory above;
  ln -s ../kurven.pcx .
using Unix. There should be a similar command in WindowsNT
or other platform; if not, then copy the image file into
the test/ working directory.

Note that LaTeX2HTML does *not* know to look within the 
parent directory for files named in \special commands,
since there is no standard for such commands being used
in this way.

> Greetings
>      Andreas

Hope this helps,

	Ross Moore