[l2h] navigation panel content control using frames

Uli Wortmann Uli Wortmann <uliw@erdw.ethz.ch>
Sun, 24 Oct 1999 13:36:55 +0200

Hi there,

I'm trying to build a framed page. Because I only wan't to have my
custom buttons there, I've set


to avoid the textual links

and defined 
	sub frame_navigation_panel {

However, all the usaul next/up/previuos buttons are still there...

	All hints welcome

	Uli Wortmann
	Dept. of Geology       Fax (Switzerland) (1) 632  1080
	ETH-Zuerich            Fon                        3694
        Visit the SPOC-team at http://www.spoc.ethz.ch