[l2h] control over images.tex contents
gabriele balducci
gabriele balducci <balducci@dschsun1.univ.trieste.it>
Thu, 22 Jul 1999 11:57:20 +0100
Hi all.
Apologies if this is a meaningless question.
Is it possible (*at the LaTeX source level*) to intersperse size
changing commands (e.g. \addtolength{\textheight}{2cm}) in the
`images.tex' file, within the `\begin{document}...\end{document}'
portion of the file, but outside any of the
`{\newpage\clearpage...\clearpage}' groups which delimit the images?
The 99.1 manual suggests to me that the
`\begin{imagesonly}...\end{imagesonly}' environment should do the job:
"...Typically this is used to add commands to the preamble of
images.tex, such as setting the text or background color. However code
can be added at any other point as well"
but I can't make it work in the above specified way.
Any help will be warmly appreciated
Gabriele Balducci tel I-40-6763957
Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche fax I-40-6763903
Via L. Giorgieri 1 e-mail balducci@univ.trieste.it