[l2h] L2H Wish list entry - Short Contents
Michael L. Hall
Michael L. Hall" <hall@galt.lanl.gov
Thu, 1 Apr 1999 17:14:15 -0700
An entry for the L2H Wish List: Short Contents
I'm doing a long document which has many levels of sectioning.
In the fashion of many GNU manuals (for instance the Make and
the Gawk manuals), I thought it might be nice to include a "Short
Contents". For those that don't know what I mean, I want to include
two tables of contents in my document, one which is a full table
of contents with all the possible sections included, and one which
just includes the larger sections (down to the tocdepth level that
I specify).
With LaTeX2HTML, you can set the tocdepth in a global fashion with a
command-line switch, but I don't see how to do what I'm talking about.
Since this is a wish, here are the things I would like to see in a
final solution:
- The ability to have multiple tables of contents, with a different
tocdepth for each one.
- The ability to optionally put any of the toc's on the first page
(the top-level page) of a document.
- The ability to optionally put a button in the navigation bar for
each toc, e.g.
[Next] [Up] [Prev] [Contents] [Short Contents] [Index]
That's my wish. Maybe it's impossible or hard to do, I don't know.
As an aside, here's how I did it in LaTeX. The GNU manuals do it in
texinfo, so I couldn't use their structure. For LaTeX, after some
fumbling, I came up with this:
% Do a short table of contents.
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Short Contents}
% Turn off @-sign to modify @filesw.
% Turn file generation off, otherwise LaTeX starts a new toc which
% makes subsequent \tableofcontents commands use an empty file.
\tableofcontents \newpage
% Do a regular table of contents.
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Table of Contents}
\tableofcontents \newpage
which works. I realize this is somewhat kludgy (especially with the
catcode workaround), but this was the easiest thing I came up with.
Better ideas for the LaTeX version are welcome...
Dr. Michael L. Hall <mailto:hall@lanl.gov>
Los Alamos National Laboratory <http://www.lanl.gov/home/Hall>
P.O. Box 1663, MS-D409 Research: computational physics, radiation
Los Alamos, NM 87545 transport, heat pipes, numerical modeling,
ph: 505-665-4312 fluid dynamics, magnetohydrodynamics