[gentium] font variants for pdflatex

pavel.farar at centrum.cz pavel.farar at centrum.cz
Sat Jun 3 16:27:48 CEST 2023

Hi Thorsten,

I added code to the repository that creates (experimental) support for the
SS01 feature (just the GentiumPlus family, but adding GentiumBook is easy). It
creates files that differ from those currently used. The code is in the
Makefile and it has the following contents:


	otftotfm -fkern -fliga -fss01 -e gentium-ec $(TTF_PATH)/GentiumPlus-Regular.ttf ec-gentiumplus-regular
	otftotfm -fkern -fliga -fss01 -e gentium-ec $(TTF_PATH)/GentiumPlus-Bold.ttf ec-gentiumplus-bold
	otftotfm -fkern -fliga -fss01 -e gentium-ec $(TTF_PATH)/GentiumPlus-Italic.ttf ec-gentiumplus-italic
	otftotfm -fkern -fliga -fss01 -e gentium-ec $(TTF_PATH)/GentiumPlus-BoldItalic.ttf ec-gentiumplus-bolditalic

	mv a_*.enc gentium-ec.enc
	# forget the differences between TrueType and Type 1 (to make it simple)
	cp gentium-ec.enc gentium-ec-ttf.enc

	rm *.tfm
	rm *.enc

The front-end 'otfinst' doesn't work in TeX Live 2023 out of the box. Probably
nobody uses it any more. The check for version of the installed otfinfo is
incorrect. It wouldn't be difficult to correct it and adapt for Python 3, but
probably not worth the work if nobody complains.

You can also look at the package 'andika' which has the typical a_*.enc files
generated by otftotfm. The a_*.enc files contain the otftotfm command that was

It might also help you to convert the *.tfm files to readable *.pl files using
'tftopl'. Reading the *.pl files gives you the idea, what the *.tfm files

I'm not sure if the package should support all possible OpenType features or
if it should just provide the scripts to create support for just those
features that someone needs. Any ideas are welcome and I may incorporate them
in the next version of the package.

All best,

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