[gentium] font variants for pdflatex

Thorsten Glaser tg at evolvis.org
Wed May 24 22:50:54 CEST 2023

On Wed, 24 May 2023, pavel.farar at centrum.cz wrote:

>because that in the *.tfm is used. I think that it also creates the *pfb files
>(probably without *.afm that are not needed), but you can also use the fonts
>shipped with the gentium package.

Oops, I totally forgot to add this to the mail:

I ran an strace -e file on pdflatex with a minimal document and found it to use:


So I guess it doesn’t use the .ttf files, but if the Type1 fonts are
sufficiently identical to the TTF ones, this should work.

(This is a bullseye system; for actually using this, I should upgrade
at least the gentium-tug part, I guess, even if I probably will otherwise
stick with the older release because tabu.)

> Hi, does anyone sell openbsd stickers by themselves and not packaged
> with other products?
No, the only way I've seen them sold is for $40 with a free OpenBSD CD.
	-- Haroon Khalid and Steve Shockley in gmane.os.openbsd.misc

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