[gentium] font variants for pdflatex

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Tue May 16 23:26:02 CEST 2023

Hi Thorsten - 

    As far as I understand, I would have to change the .enc/.?fm files.
    However these seem to be manually committed into the source repo,

I didn't write the code, but my understanding is that the .enc files are
manually created. The .tfm/.fd/.map are generated from that, using the
Ruby script source/fonts/gentium-tug/generate-support-files.rb:

# This script generates *.fd, *.tfm and *.map files. It also takes encoding
# files (*.enc) containing small and capital letters and creates encoding
# files for small caps from them. It doesn't touch other files, like *.sty or
# support files for ConTeXt. This script is called without any parameters.

Thus, you'd have to make .enc files for what you want and tweak
the script to get the output names you want. Does not sound either fun
or easy to me.

I haven't seen a general framework made for handling ss features when
making (pdf)(la)tex support from otf/ttf. Since different fonts give
completely different meanings to the same ss, there are limits to what
can be done. OTOH, I can imagine some things that could be done across

Bob, have you done anything along these lines? Any ideas?


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