[fptex] fptex and TL2004

Staszek Wawrykiewicz staw at gust.org.pl
Fri Feb 25 07:23:05 CET 2005

As I have learnt from different mailing lists, there are still
so many users sharing not only the sentiment to fptex, but also 
prefer having the TeX installation conforming to the news in 
TDS/teTeX/web2c world. Yeah, it seems that also so many Polish users still 
love fptex/TL for windows...

I know that most of users received the TeX Live 2004 collection, but
this time, unfortunatelly, the windows installer (usually the same as
for fptex) is missing for some reasons. Anyway, I'd like to admit that
windows port included in TL2004 works very well with all that news
introduced in TDS1.1 and TL (thanks to Fabrice). What could the users
(and followers of fptex) do with TL2004? I'd like to announce the 
_provisional_ TL2004 installation program for Windows users:


Author: Pawel Jackowski (public domain)

This program is dedicated for rather bold people (using sometimes the
keyboard, instead of only the mouse:), anyway it allows to install from 
the TL2004-CD any scheme, collection or package, make listing of any
scheme/collection/package, check dependencies and even uninstall the
individual set, etc.

As this program doesn't touch in any way users' configuration (environment
variables, registry), it can be safely applied for "just try it" purposes.
All (important) configuration steps can be found in the 'tlpm.winconf'
file (sorry for that, but windows is enough impredictable, so we have
to gather only some hints). 

Please send any comments directly to P.Jackowski at gust.org.pl
and Cc to me. Thanks,

Staszek Wawrykiewicz
StaW at gust.org.pl

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