[fptex] Re: dvipdfm

Pascal Chantriaux pascal.chantriaux at ac-grenoble.fr
Mon Jan 12 18:02:35 CET 2004

> Could you provide more details about that?

I tell you what I remember about metapost pictures.
Perhaps some of these things are also true for others ps pictures.
I've done that a long time ago and I'm not sure of that.
I have now not time enough to verify it, I hope it works.
If it works, please tell it to me.

What I remember :

1) With
     in the .mp source file :
     -- windvi doesn't display the text (and, on my system,
         windvi stop displaying the remainig pictures of the
     -- using dvips (with a good psfonts.map) provides
         a .ps file with the text with the right fonts (bitmaps
         fonts included in the .ps).

2) With
    in the .mp source file :
    -- windvi display the text but perhaps with wrong fonts
    -- using dvips provides a .ps file with the text but perhaps
        with wrong fonts
    If you want the right fonts you need to have, in the file
    fontmap of the \gslib directory of ghostcript, the reference
    to the fonts you use in the .mp source. For exemple, if you
    use cm fonts, you need to download the fontmap.cmr file
    (from /ctan/fonts/cm/ps-type1/contrib/), put this file in
    \gslib and add the line
    (Fontmap.cmr) .runlibfile
    at the end of the fontmap file of \gslib.
    Some explanations are in the begining of the fontmap.gs
    file of the \gslib directory.

I hope this will help you.


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