[fptex] editor/fptex interaction

Fabrice Popineau Fabrice.Popineau at supelec.fr
Sat Mar 1 15:37:49 CET 2003

> With that background, here is the question.  I would like to know
> precisely what happens if the -r exit of Tex is invoked.  If this has
> been included in the latest version of the ptTEX documentation, I
> apologize for the question.  The documentation I have (September 2000)
> has only section headings for the chapter on editing.

I guess you want to define the EDITOR environment variable. Here are a
couple of examples found in the texmf.cnf file:

% Suggestions for editor settings under Windows. Uncomment your
% preferred option. The corresponding MFEDIT can also be set for use with
% Metafont.
% Winedt:
%  TEXEDIT=C:\WinEdt\WinEdt.exe "[Open('%s');SelLine(%d,7)]
% Textpad:
%  TEXEDIT =			c:\Progra~1\TextPad\System\Ddeopn32 TextPad %s(%d)
% UltraEdit (newer Win32 versions):
%  TEXEDIT =			uedit32 %s/%d/1
% WinTeXShell32:
%  TEXEDIT =			texshell.exe /l=%d %s
% vi, vim, gvim. here we show Windows gvim.exe:
%  TEXEDIT =			gvim.exe %s +%d
% PFE:
%  TEXEDIT=pfe32/g%d  %s
% MED:
%  TEXEDIT=med.exe "%s" %d
% TSE:
%  TEXEDIT=e32.exe "%s" -n%d
% Epsilon (Lugaru)            http://www.lugaru.com/
%  TEXEDIT="c:\Program Files\eps90\bin\e32.exe" +%d %s
% WinShell
% TEXEDIT=C:\Progra~1\WinShell\WinShell.exe -c %s -l %d


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