Lawrence F. Waldman lfw at andrew.cmu.edu
Mon Jul 7 11:31:27 CEST 2003

Hello, I just began to use latex, and am having a horrible time getting
fpTex installed and working correctly.

I have it finally installed, and it works with basic files.  I am using
winEdt to edit my files.

Anyway, I want to use the package gastex (used for graphinh and
illustrations -- availible at:

>From that website I get a .sty and a .pro.  I put the .sty into a gastex
folder under texmf/tex/latex/ and the pro into texmf/dvips/base/ (I also
tried putting it with the .sty).

When I try to use latex with a file that uses gastex, it looks to compile
fine, but when I go to look at the dvi, winDvi comes up with an error
message saying: initGS: Can't find gsdll32.dll.  But I only get this error
when I try to use gastex.

PLEASE HELP! (and if you could respond via e-mail, that would be


P.S. I'm under winXP.

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