[fptex] Adding $HOMETEXMF to TEXMF slows down compilation

Joes Staal joes at isi.uu.nl
Sat Aug 30 00:17:26 CEST 2003

At 21:07 8/29/2003 +0200, Fabrice Popineau wrote:

>> If I follow your instructions, my own files are not found:
>Did you follow up the TDS ? If you have latex files, they should be put
>under $HOMETEX/tex/latex/...

I have got HOME set to E:\Joes.
My .sty files are in subdirectories below E:\Joes\texmf\tex
and my .bib and .bst files in subdirectories below 

The variable HOMETEXMF in texmf.cnf is set to $HOME/texmf.
mktexlsr produces a ls-R file in $HOME/texmf in which all
the files are listed, but the ls-R in seems not $HOME/texmf
to be read by tex. 

If I use absolute paths for my .sty and .bib files, running
is fast. If I remove the !! before $HOMETEXMF in the TEXMF
variable, running is very slow, but then I do not have to
give the paths where my files are residing.


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