[fptex] is there a conflict between the hyperref package and the xr package?

Luis A Escobar luis@lsu.edu
Mon, 9 Sep 2002 11:16:25 -0500

Last week I asked for help with this problem.

     I received a sugggestion (that is what i understood) of using the
    package xr-hyper rather than the xr package. That did not work
    for me.

   Another person (that have run into the same problem in pdflatex)
   provided me with a different hyperref.sty file
  and suggested the use of pdflatex rather than latex. This
  did not solved the problem either.

   If somebody else knows how to solve this problem I would greatly

  Regards, Luis A
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Luis A Escobar
09/06/2002 03:36 PM

To:   fptex@tug.org

Subject:  is there a conflict between the hyperref package and the xr

I have an application in which I need both hyperref and xr but
  when I run  LaTeX on my file I get a message like this

(c:/TeX/texmf/tex/latex/hyperref/nameref.sty) (./test.out) (./test.out)
! Argument of \@fifthoffive has an extra }.
<inserted text>
l.9 This line refers to~(\ref{assi01.academicians}

However, if I don't include the hyperref package,  the problem

I am enclosing a short test case where you can see the problem.
In the test case, I don't make use of hyperref (I just include it which is
enough to generate a problem). Unfortunately,
 in the real situation I need both packages.

Thank you for any help

 Regards, Luis A.

(See attached file: otheraux.aux)(See attached file: test.log)(See attached file: test.tex)

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