[fptex] (no subject)

LUK ShunTim ShunTim.Luk@polyu.edu.hk
Wed, 20 Feb 2002 14:55:19 +0800

Mu-Fa Chen wrote:
> Dear Sir: Would you please teach me how to install
> the Chinese package in your fptex system? Or, let
> me know where I can get the guide information.
>    With best wishes. Yours, Mu-Fa Chen.

If you use the texlive setup wizard (TeXSetup.exe), have a try with the 
(super)package tex-langcjk.

I've no experimence of using it but it should work OOTB. I had a CJK tree setup 
manually following the CJK howto available in any CTAN archive. Look under the 
../language subdirecoty.
