[fptex] windvi problem

Nyman Per-Ole Per-Ole.Nyman@hin.no
Tue, 19 Feb 2002 18:00:55 +0100

I am using fptex 0.5 with Ghostsript 6.50/Ghostview 3.6 and TeXShell under
Windows NT 4.
Compilaiton works fine,  but as I invoke windvi to preview the compiled
file, Windows NT pops up a note with the text:


	The system can't find the indicated file (translated from Norwegian)

At this point the log file window opened by windvi contains the 
the text:
	kpathsea: Running mktexpk --mfmode / --bdpi 600 --mag 1+437/600
--dpi 1037 cmex8

When I click  the OK button on the initilialize_gs/RegOpenKeyEx note the
note disappears, and windvi proceeds only silghtly further until the same
initilialize_gs/RegOpenKeyEx note again appears. At the same time the
previous text in the log file window is replaced with the text:

	gsftopk(k) version 1.19.2 
	Can't locate Ghostscript ! Exiting ... 
	mktexpk: Running gsftopk cmex8 1037 
	command gsftopk cmex8 1037 return 1 
	mktexpk: warning: can't open log file cmex8.log. 
	mktexpk: `gsftopk cmex8 1037' failed. 
	kpathsea: Appending font creation commands to missfont.log. 
	windvi: can't find font cmex8; using cmr10 instead at 1037 dpi. 
	kpathsea: Running mktexpk --mfmode / --bdpi 600 --mag 1+437/600
--dpi 1037 cmex9 kpathsea: Running mktexpk --mfmode / --bdpi 600 --mag
1+437/600 --dpi 1037 cmex8

As I again click the OK button on the initilialize_gs/RegOpenKeyEx note it
disappear, windvi proceeds
a bit further, more warning, error messageses are added to the log file, and
the initilialize_gs/RegOpenKeyEx reappears.
By clicking the OK button every time the note appears, this behaviour is
repeated until windvi finally has worked its way til the end of the file.

I have studied previous messages in the archive concerning similar
behaviours. I commented out the line

p +bsr.map 

as suggested in some of the earlier messages. This seemed to help for a very
tex file I tested (with only one simple mathematical formula), but the
problem remains at least partially for other tex-documents.

I also updated gsftopk to version, but this does not seem to help.

I would be very grateful for any hints on how to cure this problem. 

Per-Ole Nyman