[fptex] Standalone updates

Guy Worthington guyw@multiline.com.au
Sat, 14 Dec 2002 12:11:21 +0800

Fabrice Popineau wrote:

> [I've] fixed windvi wrt to ghostscript 8.00

It just gets better and better

I tested the following tex file which I've never been able to display 
in windvi ... and it WORKED!!



\input{random.tex}% From Donald Arseneau (CTAN:macros/generic/random.tex)



% Circle with dots at random positions
% #1=radius of the circle
% #2=number of dots (put on the (-#1,-#1)(#1,#1) square,
%    not on the circle itself!)
      \setrandim{\XPos}{-#1 pt}{#1 pt}%
      \setrandim{\YPos}{-#1 pt}{#1 pt}%

% Circle with dots at random positions, with random dot sizes
% #1=radius of the circle
% #2=number of dots (put on the (-#1,-#1)(#1,#1) square,
%    not on the circle itself!)
      \setrandim{\XPos}{-#1 pt}{#1 pt}%
      \setrandim{\YPos}{-#1 pt}{#1 pt}%

% Circle with dots at random positions, with random dot sizes
% and random colors
% #1=radius of the circle
% #2=number of dots (put on the (-#1,-#1)(#1,#1) square,
%    not on the circle itself!)
      \setrandim{\XPos}{-#1 pt}{#1 pt}%
      \setrandim{\YPos}{-#1 pt}{#1 pt}%



% To fix the random seed (otherwise the clock is used)


{\psset{dotscale=3}\CircleWithDotsA{3}{500}} % Bigger fixed dots




> [Standalone programs] are based on the beta web2c 7.3.11/kpathsea 3.3.11 

Apart from sending the complete arguments to pdftex, for instance,

  pdfetex -ini -jobname=pdfelatex -progname=pdfelatex *pdfelatex.ini <nul

to generate the format files for pdftex, am I going to experience 
any other difficulties with using the standalone programs with TeXLive-7?