[fptex] News

Fabrice Popineau Fabrice.Popineau@supelec.fr
15 Jan 2001 14:34:53 +0100

First of all : a Happy New Year !

Well, I have been late in doing so, but I managed to update the whole distribution on
ftp://ftp.dante.de/pub/fptex/ . 

Fixes include :
- some of the problems encountered with TeXSetup.exe
- latest versions of pdftex, tex4ht, latex2html, xemacs, ltx2rtf and maybe other ones,
- dvips.exe bug fixed to make it safe wrt to latex2html
- compatibility with gs6.50 (please try it !)
- the whole texmf up-to-date thanks to Sebastian Rahtz as per usual
- fixed the shift bug when printing from windvi

Expected soon : 
- new documentation for fptex, windvi and new pages for http://www.fptex.org/
- at least 3 points will be reworked :
  * implement a performance hack for kpathsea
  * enhanced windvi
  * new texsetup (better package handling, better network code)

Happy TeXing,

Fabrice Popineau