Installing the ai package

Bernd Raichle raichle@Informatik.Uni-Stuttgart.DE
Wed, 20 Sep 2000 17:55:34 +0200 (MET DST)

On Wednesday, 20 September 2000 09:36:28 -0500,
Graciela Herrera Z. <> writes:
 > Following an advice recently posted to this list, I decided to install the
 > ai package on my fptex (from TeXLive 3).

Please update to a more recently fpTeX (e.g. from TeX Live 5 or from
Fabrice's ftp server, see, TeX Live 3 is ca. 2 years

 > After unpacking it into the tex
 > tree, a series of directories are created, including a 'bin' with shell
 > scripts. These scripts redefine some environment variables for dvips,
 > to tell it where to find the ai vfs and the .enc files. I translated those
 > shel scripts to DOS, but dvips doesn't find the .enc files. Could anybody
 > help me with this? I think the environment variable TEXCONFIG is not used
 > by dvips the way the manual says. Is this right?

Forget about these scripts for dvips, latex, and pdflatex (and do not
unpack the aifonts package on top of your fpTeX tree, because the
aifonts directory hierarchy is not fully TDS conformant :-().

Using a TDS conformant TeX system like fpTeX it is better to put the
files into the correct places inside the TDS tree.  For packages
installed by your own it is recommended to create a local tree,
e.g. D:/texmf.local/---fptex is creating one for you when installing
it where all local configuration files are kept.  Inside these local
tree create subdirectories tex/latex/ai/, fonts/tfm/public/ai/,
fonts/vf/public/ai/, dvips/encodings/, dvips/config/, doc/fonts/ai/,
if they don't exist and move all the files of the aifonts package to
the appropriate directory.  Then rebuild the filename database
(cf. fpTeX documentation).

Best wishes,
Bernd Raichle                                  "Le langage est source
Autor des `german.sty' (aktuell: v2.5e)         de malentendus"
					       (A. de Saint-Exupery)