TEXEDIT for variuos editors (emacs NT?)

Taco Hoekwater taco.hoekwater@wkap.nl
Fri, 10 Mar 2000 17:23:52 +0000 (GMT)

>>>>> "Jose" == Jose Luis Olivares V <ghz@servidor.unam.mx> writes:

    Jose> I have a question regarding this: if I already have an emacs
    Jose> window opended, will this setting reposition the cursor in
    Jose> the offending line?  or, will it start a second emacs
    Jose> session?

Methinks it will start another one. You might try this: 

TEXEDIT="gnuclient -batch -eval '(switch-to-buffer \"%s\") (goto-line %d)'"

(only works if you have gnuserv running, and the quoting may need some
experimenting if done this way. A simple script wrapper would be

Greetings, Taco