Windvi help
Thu, 13 Jan 2000 18:35:41 +0100 (MET)

Dear Sir,
I have installed Texlive from CD-Rom (the newest version)into my PC, under Windows 98 including WinEditor program. Everything was going well, except that I could not view dvi file inside Texshell (I could run Tex succesfully) as well as inside Winedt. 
1) After running Tex, I click into Preview icon, windvi opened and closed immediately, although Windvi can run well independently (means outside Texshell or Winedt). Looked at Programs Call, everything fixed well.
2) Inside Winedt, after runing tex successfully, I clicked into the "Dvi Preview" line in the Accessories menu, nothing happended.
Then I clicked  "Dvi Search", it said that the program "yap.exe" could not be found. I went into the files Winedt.ini in the Winedt directory and changed the lines contating those programs. Namely, I changed "yap.exe "into "windvi.exe" and "YAP" into "WINDVI".
Then, running Winedt again, but Dvi Preview  still did not work. This time, when I clicked into "Dvi Search", the error line did not appear, but Windvi opened and closed immediately ( it looked as the same  problem as Texshell). I do not know how to solve this.
Could you please be so kind to help me to correct this problem?
If anything is still not clear, please let me explain more.
Thank you very much in advance.
Yours respectively,
N. Tu