dvips output error revisited...

Fabrice POPINEAU Fabrice.Popineau@supelec.fr
29 Sep 1999 17:32:17 +0200

ALAN A DUNWELL <dunwell@jnov.colorado.edu> writes:

> No luck, it still is picking up the config.ps from the network 
> location and printing to a file.ps instead. Just to be sure, I also 
> did the set HOMETEXMF in my autoexec.bat file and rebooted. I see it 
> when I do a  "set"  to show the local environment vars. Did I miss 
> something here? I'll keep poking it and see what I can do, perhaps 
> try your local printer option to see if it gets that.

d:\>kpsewhich -show-path="dvips config"

D:\>kpsewhich -progname=dvips -format="dvips config" config.ps

This could ease your debugging.

> Thoughts for future versions:

You are absolutely right, and I wish I find time to integrate a few
code lines I have experimented. The only problem : only 24h in a day :-)
