dvips output error revisited...

ALAN A DUNWELL DUNWELL@jila.colorado.edu
Wed, 29 Sep 1999 08:52:52 -0700 (MST)

Howdy Rolf,

Good idea, but no cookie yet<g>. In the texmf.cnf I have defined 
so everyone gets this. So I tried your idea and moved $HOMETEXMF to 
the front of the list for the TEXMF definition. I then made the tree
and move a copy of config.ps there. I then modified it to have 
  o \\jilant\publichp
which is the path\name of one of the network postscript printers. I 
do not have a postscript printer attached to my pc, so I am pointing 
to a network printer instead.

No luck, it still is picking up the config.ps from the network 
location and printing to a file.ps instead. Just to be sure, I also 
did the set HOMETEXMF in my autoexec.bat file and rebooted. I see it 
when I do a  "set"  to show the local environment vars. Did I miss 
something here? I'll keep poking it and see what I can do, perhaps 
try your local printer option to see if it gets that.

Thoughts for future versions:
Even if I can get this working I still see it as a work-around in 
that it is working at the DOS level. Fabrice, I'm impressed with what 
you and Thomas E. have already done so all this is mostly just 
niggley little complaints. It would be nice in future iterations to 
have fpTeX, WinDVI, and dvips be able to detect Windows level 
definitions such as the present default printer. That way a user can 
just change their default printer in Windows and have dvips pick up 
that change when piping output to the local equivalent of "lpr". 
I'm a little surprised that WinEdit doesn't trap the output from 
dvips and pop up a printer selection screen to windows printers. 
Boy, do I want everything or WHAT! Durn Fussy users! Just a thought.

Alan Dunwell 

> Date:          Wed, 29 Sep 1999 08:31:37 -0500
> From:          "Rolf S. Arvidson" <arvidson@ocean.tamu.edu>
> Subject:       Re: dvips output error revisited...
> To:            DUNWELL@jila.colorado.edu
> Cc:            fptex@tug.org

> Alan,
> Might it not be possible to have individual users and/or machines declare an
> environmental variable within their shell or command environment, e.g.
> "set TEXMFLOCAL = C:/TeX/texmf.local"
> or
> "set HOMETEXMF= C:/TeX/texmf.local"
> and install their own config.ps in that local path (e.g.,
> c:\tex\texmf.local\dvips\config\config.ps), that could then be modified
> according to individual needs? The global texmf.cnf would have to be set up
> to honor the local path first, i.e.,
> I don't know offhand if this will work (anybody else know?), but it seems
> like it's worth a try.
> Cheers, Rolf

!Reply to:                                               
! Alan A. Dunwell, JILA Software Manager,               
! JILA - CB440, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder,Co. 80309   
! E-Mail - dunwell@jila.colorado.edu                                            
! Voice  - (303) 492-5308   FAX - (303) 492-5235         