
P.W.Daly, MPAe, Lindau, Germany
Tue, 5 Oct 1999 11:44:54 +0200

I experienced the pk-generation problem too for the first time last night, on
my machine at home. I had been using pre5 for some days at work with no
problems and last night took it home. I only loaded the one exe file, not any
of the others. Not only did the fonts not generate, but when I switched back to
the older windvi (version .63 or .64) it did not work there either.

Today I came to work, tried it out here once more. No problem. So now I am
taking all the relevent .exe files home tonight. As far as I know, the two
computers had the same installation. At the moment, I cannot check for sure.

By the way, at home I could not open the options in either versions. At work,
no problem. Is there perhaps a .dll file that is causing the problem?
