DVIPS woes

Sebastian Rahtz sebastian.rahtz@computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Wed, 26 May 1999 23:01:22 +0100 (BST)

Ruben Prins writes:
 > I'm currently running fpTeX 0.3a and whenever I try to let dvips load the
 > Bakoma Type1 CM fonts, dvips stops with the error
 > <cmmi10.pfb> First number not found
 > ERROR in encoding vector in <cmmi10.pfb>
dont use the BaKoMa fonts, for a start. The BlueSky/Y&Y ones are

 > Am I missing something here?
a change in dvips means that the BaKoMa fonts break the partial
downloading code. maddening, but true. there are cleaned versions on
the TeX Live CD
