WIN NT file searching problems in (pdf)tex

Fabrice Popineau
Mon, 22 Mar 1999 21:35:04 +0100

>> > Also, is there a saver way of trying to open the file? No access error
>> > message? It has nothing to do with access problems if a file cannot be
>> > found.
>> Thanks to race conditions that could otherwise occur, the surest way
>> to determine whether a file can be opened is to try to open it, and
>> check whether you succeeded.  Any "safer" way of doing this would just
>> complicate the code without improving the safety.
>Ok, only the message is confusing, especially on Windows NT (I don't use
>it, I only observed this behavior).  

The message was generated from kpathsea/readable.c .
Unix version uses access() to determine if a file is readable. I use GetFileAttributes(),
mainly because of a misbehaviour with win95, access() and stat() (failed to 
recognize directories with trailing '/').

If you can reproduce the situation, I can provide you with some kpathsea.dll to 
test. Or I could try to reproduce the problem by running tex.exe remotely through
modem ->  PPP -> samba -> my NT workstation. Maybe it will resurface.
