fptex 0.3 beta1

Fabrice POPINEAU popineau@ese-metz.fr
03 Mar 1999 17:28:11 +0100

Thanks to all who have retrieved it and have mad useful remarks. I
have put a new one on :


It is even bigger than the previous one: 62Mb. Files were actually
lacking from the previous pack.

- WinEdt, GS, ImageMagick are installed if asked to do so. Previous
install should be detected for WinEdt and GS. WinEdt is *not* yet configured
for fptex.

- All files should be copied.

- documentation fptex.html is called at the end of the installation.

- most bugs fixed (?) . There seem to be a problem with pathes I can't 
reproduce here. Please check that your environment variables are
correct, PATH especially.

- check also mktexpk and such.

- windvi should run.

- pdftex-0.13b is corrected (uncompress problem)

Actually, the file will be ready in 30mn or so.

Thanks for your reports (past and future !)
