Compatibility of WinDVI 0.63 with MiKTeX 1.20b

Cho, Jin-Hwan
Wed, 16 Jun 1999 21:58:28 +0900

Dear MiKTeX and fpTeX users,

I have installed WinDVI 0.63 over MiKTeX 1.20b. Everything works
fine but I found one problem, that is, I could not run LaTeX
(of MiKTeX) properly when the window of WinDVI is alive and shows
the dvi file. It complained that it could not write on the same dvi
file and choose another name for dvi file. Same as we could not run
PDFTeX or dvipdfm when Acrobat Reader 3.0x shows the pdf file.
But there was no problem when I use LaTeX of fpTeX-0.3. I can
remember that in ealier version of WinDVI, there was no problem
with MiKTeX. Is it a problem of MiKTeX or WinDVI?

Best, ChoF.

| Cho, Jin-Hwan == ChoF |       ***
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| Visiting Research Fellow  |    o
| Department of Mathematics |   ~~~
| Osaka City University     |
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