windvi (again)

Fabrice Popineau
Thu, 3 Jun 1999 22:50:49 +0200

I have browsed the sources again, trying to fix a few things
and mainly printing. Here is the situation.

Currently, printing should work, provided your current mode
and dpi match the ones of your printer.

But :
- no ps specials will be printed
- neither will be printed color on color (glyphs on rules for example)

Ps printing can be done reliably only by switching to dvips, which
will be done automatically from windvi.
Color printing can be done accurately by switching to a more
general way of handling the dvi file than the current one.

XDvi was not designed for color neither for printing :-)

So, I will release fptex 0.3 with the current windvi (will be called
0.63) and switch to fptex-0.4 with an impressive list of features 
to add, and not only to windvi.
