stuck with dvitomp

Olaf Weber
06 Jan 1999 19:17:22 +0100

Fabrice POPINEAU writes:

I may be off base, but should this perhaps be

> @ @<Set |f| to the internal font number that corresponds to |e|,...@>=
> if cur_ftop<=nf then cur_ftop:=nf;
> font_num[cur_ftop]:=e;
> k:=cur_fbase;
> while (font_num[k]<>e)or local_only[font_num[i]] do incr(k);

  while (font_num[k]<>e)or local_only[internal_num[k]] do incr(k);

> if k=cur_ftop then abort('Undefined font selected');
> f:=internal_num[k]

> At least, it seems to be ok for me.

Mind you, this is just reasoning from reading the source, and not at
all tested.

Olaf Weber