LaTeX question

Jody M. Klymak
15 Dec 1999 11:51:33 -0800


Can you run it from the DOS prompt to see what the output is?

I'm guessing you haven't produced the appropriate format file.  Please
do so by running fptexutils...

Cheers,  Jody

>>>>> "ADS" == A D Snider <> writes:

    ADS> I just downloaded the latest version of miktex. I did not
    ADS> download the level 3 or level 4 zipped packages. I installed,
    ADS> but when I type

    ADS> (run) latex c:\...

    ADS> or tex c:\...

    ADS> on a file that used to compile (under a very old version), it
    ADS> fails. However, the message screen is on so briefly that I
    ADS> can't tell what the problem is. Moreover, this screen does
    ADS> not show up as a log file anywhere that I can find it.

    ADS> Can you advise me?

    ADS> Thank you.

    ADS> Arthur David Snider Dept. of Electrical Engineering, ENB/118
    ADS> Professor of EE University of South Florida 813-9744785, ENB
    ADS> 362 Tampa, FL 33620-5350 fax 813 974-5250

Jody Klymak                         APL/School of Oceanography,
Doctoral Candidate                  University of Washington   (206)-685-9080