windvi, next version

Fabrice Popineau
Tue, 31 Aug 1999 18:04:43 +0200

Sorry but it seems I will be a bit late in delivering the next version
of windvi.

I have added the following features, but not yet achieved everything :

- gs automatically detected (no more GS_LIB or alike to tweak)
- support of bzip2 compression for included ps files
- support of .bmp, .wmf and .emf files
- support of arbitrary transformations (clean up)
- better handling of $HOME directory and windvi.cnf location.
- 'source' specials needed to implement search are on the way.

Also, I have been able to reproduce the previous crashes reported
using Norton Crashguard, and I have a setup with 
w95/w98/NT4/NT2000 that should ease debugging.
Currently, windvi does not crashes under w95 anymore.

These are not the only areas in which I have changed things. There
will be a new complete binary distribution.
