[Fontinst] Lehman's nfssext.sty file

Juan M Alberdi juanalberdi at euskalnet.net
Fri Mar 25 15:28:23 CET 2005

Feewww, quite a slippery slope I'm afraid. For the moment I'll keep to a  
3-letter family name, changing my Scala Sans from fsas to fs8. But thank  
you very much, now I know what to do if need be.

Juan M Alberdi.

> Right, nfssext.sty assumes a 3-letter base name plus one letter  
> indicating
> special features such as hanging figures. If you want to use longer
> names, you'll have to modify \exfs at get@base accordingly; i.e.,
> replace:
> \def\exfs at get@base#1#2#3#4\@nil{#1#2#3}
> by something like:
> \def\exfs at get@base#1{\expandafter\exfs at get@base at i #1\@nil}
> \def\exfs at get@base at i#1#2#3{%
>   \ifx\@nil#3%
>     \expandafter\@firstoftwo
>   \else
>     \expandafter\@secondoftwo
>   \fi
>   {#1}{\exfs at get@base at i{#1#2}#3}}
> However, this implies that the last letter of the font family name
> will always be treated as an indicator of special features, even if
> there aren't any. That is, you can use family names such as "fooj"
> and "foox", but you can't use "foo" any more! You'll have to add some
> kind of (dummy) indentifier even for the most basic family (and also
> add that to \lnstyle). Suppose you choose "n" (that is, the most
> basic family will be labeled "foon" instead of "foo), then modify
> \lnstyle as follows:
> \DeclareRobustCommand{\lnstyle}{%
>   \not at math@alphabet\lnstyle\relax
>   \exfs at try@family[\expandafter\exfs at get@base\f at family\@nil n]% <- "n"
>                   {\expandafter\exfs at get@base\f at family\@nil x}}

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