[Q] setting the xheight

Pierre MacKay mackay@cs.washington.edu
Mon, 6 Nov 2000 13:51:34 -0500

> Times Roman has no real small caps (right?),---well actually
not right.  even Linotype, which is pretty stingy about what
variants it offers will supply you with small caps.  Since
all varieties of Times are quite acceptably similar, I would
recommend that you get the Monotype TimesNewRoman SuperFont,
which covers just about everything you could need.  That way
you can extract the small caps from this gargantuan
list (about 450 sorts) and they will actually be designed
rather than scaled characters.  The SuperFont gives you
ff ffi and ffl as well, which Linotype-based fonts rarely,
if ever, do. In ten years of use, no one has ever spotted
the fact that I use Monotype small-caps and ligatures with
Adobe (viz Linotype) basic fonts in Times.

Email:  mackay@cs.washington.edu		Pierre A. MacKay
Smail:  Department of Classics			Emeritus Druid for
	218 Denny Hall, Box 353110		Unix-flavored TeX
	University of Washington
	Seattle, WA 98195
	(206) 543-2268 (Message recorder)