[dvipdfmx] [tex-k] dvipdfmx: Apparent bug

Laurence Finston Laurence.Finston at gmx.de
Mon May 9 12:03:57 CEST 2022


I've run across what would appear to be a bug in dvipdfmx:

The font ttemp is meant to illustrate the max. width and height+depth of
MF characters at different resolutions.

This works:

# (Generate the fonts:  See Makefile in attached tarball.)
tex ttemp.tex
dvips -o ttemp_dvips.ps -X 300 -Y 300 ttemp.dvi
ps2pdf ttemp_dvips.ps

This doesn't:

dvipdfmx -r 300 -o ttemp_dvipdfmx.pdf filename ttemp.dvi

As the screenshot shows, the font `ttemp' is not loaded at 300dpi. At
the 300dpi, the width and the height + depth of the characters are both
4095 pixels == 6.825in. The page size is DIN A2 (420mm x 594mm).


Laurence Finston

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