[dvipdfmx] Color stacks and transformations

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Mon Mar 15 13:28:48 CET 2021

Hello all,

Initially reported to me as a graphics-def bug 
(https://github.com/latex3/graphics-def/issues/26), it seems that the 
new color stacks don't mix well with transformations. In the example

     \special{pdfcolorstackinit 1 page direct (0 g 0 G)}%
     \special{pdfcolorstack 1 push (1 0 0 rg)}%
     \special{x:gsave}\special{x:rotate 0}%
     %\special{pdf:btrans rotate 0}%
     \special{pdfcolorstack 1 pop}%

using either type of special, the "B" looses color. The same is true 
using x:scale, etc. This doesn't happen with the single stack 
bcolor/ecolor approach, so I think is because the interplay between the 
new color and transformations isn't quite right.


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