[dvipdfmx] forward references

Sašo Živanović saso.zivanovic at guest.arnes.si
Tue Jul 14 17:03:04 CEST 2020

Philip Taylor je 14. 07. 20 ob 16:53 napisal:
> Sašo Živanović wrote:
>> Thanks for the fast response!

>>  >>> the first pass, all appeared OK.  
>> By OK, do you mean that the PDF consisted of two pages and that the text
>> was shaded on both pages? If so, I'm surprised, I'm using TexLive with
>> the very same version of XeTeX.
> No, I mean only that there were no diagnostics and everything ran to
> completion.  I seem to recall that the upper, smaller, image was
> unshaded, the lower, larger image was shaded.
Ok, then you get the same problematic result as I do. The images should
be the same (both shaded), but they are not.

>> Can you perhaps attach the result of the first compilation?
> Not easy — how do I persuade it that this is a first pass and not a
> subsequent pass ?!

In principle, by deleting the auxiliary files:
untitled-1.mzz and untitled-1.memo*
But as the second pass was unsuccessful, there should be no .memo* files
and you should always get the same result as in the first pass.

Or by renaming the document ;-)

But if what you say about the resulting PDF above is true, I don't need
to see the pdf anyway --- you have replicated the problem.

What happens if you compile using -no-pdf + xdvipdfmx as suggested in
the issue? Do you get the warning? And if you reshuffle the pages, is it

> OK, I already have a XeTeX-W18 in my compilation armoury; I will try
> creating a XeLaTeX-W18 with similar functionality.  As I am (a) totally
> unfamiliar with Github, and (b) find its web interface considerably less
> than useful (or even usable !), I manually downloaded each of the files
> that it reported missing.  Are there any other files required which TeX
> will not report missing but which are nonetheless needed in order to
> replicate your work ?
You should only need two: memoize.sty and xparse-arglist.sty, which you

> /Philip Taylor/

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