[biblio] Bib(La)TeX style catalogue samples

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Mon Sep 19 23:45:12 CEST 2022

Hi Zeping (and Shakthi),

    author-date, author, numeric, label, and note.

It seems sensible to me.
https://docs.citationstyles.org/en/stable/primer.html has a nice intro.

(By the way, Zeping, I saw your new citation-style-language package
update come through when I updated TL a few days ago. Maybe time for a
TUGboat article?)


I also had the idea, perhaps already obvious, that another necessary
distinction is biblatex vs. bibtex. (I don't think any other bib
processors have lots of separate style file packages, though maybe I'm

I can imagine the sorting in either direction, that is, some users might
need to first choose bibtex vs. biblatex, while others would want to
base things on the format and either processor path is ok. Given the
data for the examples, it should be possible to generate both forms
(statically or dynamically, whichever). I mean:

name: plain
basic-style: numeric
processor: bibtex
package: bibtex
etc. etc.

Just off the top of my head ... --thanks, karl.

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