TeX directory structures

Andrew Trevorrow atrevorr@spam.maths.adelaide.edu.au
Sat, 8 Oct 1994 12:23:10 +0900

>NAME: Andrew Trevorrow
>EMAIL: atrevorr@spam.maths.adelaide.edu.au
>This version of TeX currently supports (delete ones which don't apply):
> * a list of directories for each sort of file (for example, you can
>   specify fonts/tfm/adobe and fonts/tfm/monotype)
> * one level of subdirectory searching (for example, you can
>   speficify fonts/tfm and it will find fonts/tfm/adobe/ptmr7t.tfm)

    In the latter case, OzTeX requires you to specify ":fonts:tfm:*".

>By this time next year, this version of TeX should (don't worry, we
>won't hold you to this one!) support:

    Nothing more than the above options.  I'm a devotee of KISS!

>If the TUG technical working group ask us to, we will implement:

> * many-level subdirectory searching

    This is the only extra option I'd (very reluctantly) consider.

>Any other comments:

    As I've indicated, I prefer as simple a directory structure as possible,
    but one that is practical when it comes to storing lots of files.
    In my view that means a small number of directories (possibly just one)
    that must be explicitly listed.  These directories can contain at most
    one level of subdirectories.  Anything more and my brain starts to hurt.
>--- end of form ---