Powerdot problem.

Schneider, Thomas (NIH/NCI) [E] schneidt at mail.nih.gov
Fri Nov 1 02:15:45 CET 2024


> Can you (or anyone) give me any guidance. I'm floundering and way out
> of my depth. Please try to express things simply, and to give complete
> recipes. Sorry for being demanding, but I really need help, expressed
> in a way that can be comprehended by someone like myself, who is a bit
> slow!!!

These things are often quite obscure.  I had the problems you
mentioned an solved them.  I suspect that the issue may just be that
you are not starting with fresh files.

1. I suggest completely upgrade your entire tex system.

2. Clear out all the old files (see my cl script) or work in a fresh

3. If that doesn't work, pare down an example to the bare minimum. 
This often reveals things and allows others to replicate the issue.


  Thomas D. Schneider, Ph.D.
  Senior Investigator
  National Institutes of Health
  National Cancer Institute
  Center for Cancer Research
  RNA Biology Laboratory
  Biological Information Theory Group
  Frederick, Maryland  21702-1201
  schneidt at mail.nih.gov

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