bibtex-1.0, or maybe not

Paulo Ney de Souza pauloney at
Wed May 22 04:37:06 CEST 2024

Displaying a URL in print is the same as walking around showing your

Paulo Ney

On Tue, May 21, 2024 at 6:41 PM Schneider, Thomas (NIH/NCI) [E] via texhax <
texhax at> wrote:

> Karl:
> > As a basic example: a "url" field is obviously
> > needed nowadays. But if he adds a url field to the standard styles,
> > there will inevitably be usage conflicts (at the bib level, the bst
> > level, the tex level, wherever) with the existing url fields that have
> > been added by many other styles. On the other hand, if he invents a new
> > field name, say "bibtexurl", it's even worse -- then bib files would
> > have to duplicate url and bibtexurl. So there seems no good way to add
> it.
> I have solved this by putting the url into a 'note' like this:
> @article{Bajic2024,
> author = "D. Baji\'{c}",
> title = "Information Theory, Living Systems, and Communication
> Engineering",
> journal = "Entropy",
> publisher = "MDPI AG",
> volume = "26",
> number = "5",
> month = "",
> pages = "430",
> note = "\url{}",
> comment = "2024/05/20_18:37:41 Google Scholar",
> year = "2024"}
> It displays just fine and the link works.
> One can have several urls:
> note = "\url{},
> \url{}",
> and they all work.  Since it is a note, one can add other information
> about the links too.
> Regards,
> Tom
>   Thomas D. Schneider, Ph.D.
>   Senior Investigator
>   National Institutes of Health
>   National Cancer Institute
>   Center for Cancer Research
>   RNA Biology Laboratory
>   Biological Information Theory Group
>   Frederick, Maryland  21702-1201
>   schneidt at
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