options for "WYSIWYG" or streaming Latex / math viewing.

Mike Marchywka marchywka at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 25 21:24:37 CET 2024

 I think this has come up a lot before but
curious it there is anything new. Apparently inkscape
supports the ability to paste in latex source and
include the output in an image or something similar.

I started working again on "mikemath" which is 
sort of like part of mathematica probably and
it can generate latex output of equations. Right
now it can output this to evince after running latex
but it seems kind of cumbersome for repeated usage.

Right now I'm looking at sending output to
a simple viewer for various simulations
( this also comes up with "mjmdatascope" 
on google as I have been looking at things
like paraview and R too ).


Apparently it is possible to render latex to cairo
and I think I can display the bitmap in mjmdatascope
as I am doing something similar with svg. Any thoughts
on this ?



mike marchywka
44 Crosscreek Trail
Jasper GA 30143
USA, Earth marchywka at hotmail.com
 404-788-1216 ORCID: 0000-0001-9237-455X

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