LaTeX for high school students? And writing LaTeX online?

Christopher W. Ryan cryan at
Wed Oct 26 05:28:49 CEST 2022

I've always thought it might be useful for students to learn something
of LaTeX in high school and arrive at college  able, to some extent, to
write papers and beamer slides in it. In contrast to some of them
learning it *in* college. No need to belabor the virtues of writing in
LaTeX here, obviously. So why not introduce interested or curious high
school students to it, especially (but not only) those who have some
inkling to pursue scientific/mathematical/technical fields?

I have this crazy idea to offer introductory LaTeX workshops to high
schools that are interested.  If nothing else, it might help keep me
busy after retirement.

As far as I know, at least in my area of the US, this is not currently
being done. Does anyone have any experience doing this? Is it a fool's

And are there websites where one can compose a complete LaTeX source
document and compile it, obtaining pdf output?  Many under-resources
schools in the US, where students are unlikely to have their own
computers at home, provide locked-down Chromebooks to all their
students. They are unable to install any software on them.

Appreciate any insights, experiences, opinions, or advice.

--Chris Ryan

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