Issue with "Black Boxes" appearing

Ulrike Fischer news3 at
Mon May 2 10:54:51 CEST 2022

Am Sun, 1 May 2022 12:02:20 +0200 schrieb Germenfer:

> Hello,
> I am having an issue regarding "black boxes" appearing out of nowhere in my
> latex file whenever a new page inside a chapter is started due to the text
> being too long for the previous page. This can be seen in IMAGE 1 (before
> adding new content, there is no black box) and IMAGE 2 (after new content
> is added and a new page is created, a black box appears). Proof of this
> being a strange occurrence can be seen in IMAGE 3, where the page-skip does
> not add a black box.
> Also, it appears that this "black box" is a standalone entity, as it can be
> deleted without affecting anything else on the document using Adobe Reader.
> I would greatly appreciate some help because it has been driving me crazy
> for a while now.

You are mixing tcolorbox and multicol, two packages with quite
complicated code. One can't debug this from an image. You will have
to show some short but complete code that someone can use to test
your issue.

(If it has something to do with the page break you can probably use
\vspace*{...} before the box to force it down). 

Ulrike Fischer

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