Problems with Windows and TeXLive 2021

Philip Taylor P.Taylor at Hellenic-Institute.Uk
Sat Sep 18 17:13:07 CEST 2021

Jason Stahlecker via texhax wrote:

> I am having some trouble after installing texlive. I cannot open 
> tlshell (Problem with installation: cannot determine release!), 
> fmtutil raises the message that the total formats are 0. After some 
> research I concluded that the best idea is to remove texlive and 
> possibly reinstall. This causes the next issue, I cannot seem to find 
> a way to deinstall texlive, I do not know if this is because of a 
> faulty install. I would appreciate help how I can fix these problems. 
> I have been using texlive on linux without any trouble, but for 
> windows it seems extremly complicated.

It would help to know which version of Windows you are using.  I will 
assume 7 or 10.  Under Windows 7, try Start / Control Panel / Programs 
and Features.  Search for TeX Live 2021.  Click to highlight it, then 
use the Uninstall/Change option that will manifest itself in the menu 
line.  Under Windows 10, possibly something similar.
/Philip Taylor/
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