Using fonts from the LaTeX Font Catalogue

Bob Tennent rdtennent at
Sat May 8 22:19:58 CEST 2021

 >|>> TeXLive or getnonfreefonts should be marked as "For
 >|>> experts only" in the Font Catalogue or even moved into
 >|>> a separate sub-catalogue. It's clear that TeXLive and
 >|>> getnonfreefonts have "spoiled" you and likely many others
 >|>> into mis-interpreting the Usage information in the
 >|>> Catalogue.
 >|> I think so too, and hopefully Palle is reading some of this.
 >|Well I don't think so. Imho it wouldn't be so nice to mark fonts
 >|that work perfectly with miktex as "for experts only".
 >|But one could perhaps move the "not in texlive" info up in the page
 >|so that people stopping after the first few lines see the info

The statement that "xxx is *not* part of TeXLive" should
be augmented by something like "and on TeXLive has to be
installed from CTAN."

Similarly for packages *not* in MiKTeX.  

Bob T.

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