Using fonts from the LaTeX Font Catalogue

Paulo Ney de Souza pauloney at
Sat May 8 00:25:22 CEST 2021

Here is the list in a more manageable format:;

 Font name                 In TL    Error         File
Poiret One                   ✓        1         poiretone/poiretone.tex
Malvern                               2         malvern/malvern.tex
Capital Baseball                      3
Computer Modern Gray                  3
Flyspec                               3         flyspec/flyspec.tex
Hershey Old English Font              3
Necker                                3         necker/necker.tex
OCR-A OCR Font A             ✓        3         ocr-a/ocr-a.tex
Pandora Single Pitch                  3
Pandora                               3         pandora/pandora.tex
Segment Font                          3         segmentfont/segmentfont.tex
Simfon                                3         simfon/simfon.tex
Slabikar                              3         slabikar/slabikar.tex
A Picture Alphabet                    4
Augie                                 4         augie/augie.tex
Decadence                             4         decadence/decadence.tex
Intimacy                              4         intimacy/intimacy.tex
JD                                    4         jd/jd.tex
Movieola                              4         movieola/movieola.tex
Pookie                                4         pookie/pookie.tex
Skeetch                               4         skeetch/skeetch.tex
Spankys Bungalow                      4
Tall Paul                             4         tallpaul/tallpaul.tex
Teen Spirit                           4         teenspirit/teenspirit.tex
Webster                               4         webster/webster.tex
Antiqua                               5         antiqua/antiqua.tex
Covington                             5         covington/covington.tex
Osterreichische Schulschrift          5
Peter Vanroose Script                 5
Play                                  5         play/play.tex
TW Cal 14                             5         twcal14/twcal14.tex
Vicentino                             5         vicentino/vicentino.tex

TeX Files are located at:, where xxx
is the File on the list above.
Font main web-page (in the catalogue) is at where xxx is the part before the slash.


1- !pdfTeX error: pdflatex (file PoiretOne-Bold-lf-t1--base): Font
PoiretOne-Bold-lf-t1--base at 657 not found
 ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!

2- I can't find file `T1fmv.fd'. (l.10 \input T1fmv.fd)

3- Metric (TFM) file not found

4- LaTeX Error: File `emerald.sty' not found

5- LaTeX Error: File `*.sty' not found

On Fri, May 7, 2021 at 2:26 AM Ulrike Fischer <news3 at> wrote:

> Am Thu, 6 May 2021 18:41:37 -0700 schrieb Paulo Ney de Souza:
> > 2 give unique errors:
> >
> > Poiret One:
> >
> > !pdfTeX error: pdflatex (file PoiretOne-Bold-lf-t1--base): Font
> > PoiretOne-Bold-lf-t1--base at 657 not found
> >  ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
> This is an error in the texlive setup, the map file is not activated
> and I reported it.
> For the rest of your list:
> Please invest some time and format this in a sensible way and
> include links to the fonts and tex-files.
> If you test with texlive it doesn't make sense to include fonts like
> malvern clearly marked as not being part of texlive so remove them
> from your list.
> --
> Ulrike Fischer
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